E hoʻoikaika i ka noʻonoʻo e holomua!


All hypnotherapy service options are conducted through various virtual platforms such as Zoom, FaceTime, or via phone. This is to offer support from your space of comfort, addressing barriers such as geographical distance and transportation issues involved in commuting to and from your hypnosis session.

Hypnotherapy is an incredibly effective option if you are looking for another way to manage stress or trauma, reduce anxiety or fear, break or create a habit, increase your confidence level, develop healthier coping mechanisms, or simply seek a 20-minute guided session to unwind. Each hypnosis session is collaborative, involving several techniques to induce a trance-like state, and is individually tailored from the information you provide me before our session. During this highly receptive state, you open your subconscious mind to accepting your visions and objectives.

Join me as we upgrade your subconscious!

View all hypnotherapy service options. 

improve depressed mood

Persistent feelings of sadness or disinterest in activities that were once enjoyed can greatly affect one’s overall well-being. Hypnotherapy may be a viable option in such situations. Through inducing deep relaxation and offering positive suggestions, hypnotherapy can strengthen positive thoughts and emotions, fostering a sense of tranquility and renewed optimism during challenging times.

Allow me to assist you in reigniting your motivation, enabling you to continue pursuing the things you love in life!

manage Stress/Anxiety

Believe in yourself and your incredible ability to overcome every hurdle that comes your way. Embrace the transformative power of hypnosis techniques, which have been proven to help you cultivate a strong mind and effective coping mechanisms. Discover relaxation strategies that not only reduce physical tension but also uplift your spirit and create inner peace. By incorporating a holistic approach to managing stress and anxiety, you can unleash your full potential and harness your inner strength.

Join me on a journey towards thriving in life’s challenges and obstacles!

*There may be other hypnotherapy service options to consider, see below.

Address fears/phobias

Hypnotherapy empowers individuals to desensitize their responses to fears and phobias while cultivating new and positive associations. With the highly receptive approach of hypnosis, deeply ingrained behavioral patterns and beliefs can be effectively explored and addressed. This approach is particularly valuable for those seeking assistance with fear of being alone, heights, fear of the dark, dentists, bullies, motion sickness, social phobia, and much more.

Take control of your fears!

confidence Building

Believe in yourself and achieve your dreams by conquering negative thoughts and behaviors that lead to self-doubt and self-criticism. With the power of hypnosis, you will cultivate positive self-talk and affirmations, enhancing your self-esteem and confidence. You’ll see positive changes in areas such as body image, dating, work, decision-making, and more.

“Yes, you can!”

focus on relationships

Hypnotherapy can be a powerful and effective tool for tackling various issues and challenges in relationships. From navigating conflicts to rebuilding trust, and addressing codependency and feelings of alienation, the benefits of this approach are numerous and life-changing. Using hypnosis therapy, we can gain deeper insights into our emotions and behaviors, foster stronger connections, and achieve greater happiness and fulfillment in our relationships.

Together, let’s take our relationships to new heights, uncovering insights that are not typically accessible through our analytical thoughts.

pain management

Hypnotherapy aims to help ease fear and anxiety associated with pain. By inducing a relaxed state and layering suggestions, the subconscious mind is conditioned to respond better to painful sensations. Hypnosis has the potential to drastically improve the quality of life for individuals struggling with chronic pain and other physical ailments.

Allow your subconscious mind to ease your perception of pain!

Coping with grief/loss

Hypnotherapy offers a supportive environment for those experiencing grief and loss. By exploring the underlying emotions through relaxation, positive memories can be attached to the forefront of one’s thoughts. This hypnosis therapy approach promotes acceptance of the grieving process and a deeper understanding of one’s emotional state.

Let me help you reach a point where memories of your loved ones can be cherished without being overshadowed by the pain of their absence.

weight management

Successful weight loss involves examining underlying contributing factors. In hypnosis, we communicate directly with the subconscious mind to help individuals overcome disordered eating and other obstacles that may have impacted their relationship with food by working through possible unresolved issues or traumas.

Take the first step today towards feeling empowered and confident in our journey to successfully achieve your weight management goals and become the best version of yourself!

quit smoking

Through a shift in mindset and concentration, you can achieve success in your efforts to quit smoking. Gaining access to the subconscious mind through the practice of hypnosis provides you the power to work through possible unresolved issues or traumas that may hinder progress.

Let’s embark on your smoke-free journey today with hypnosis!

Changing habits

Hypnotherapy can help you access your subconscious mind and positively alter negative thought patterns and behaviors. During hypnosis, we will pinpoint ingrained beliefs and behavioral tendencies that relate to habits like nail biting, teeth grinding, compulsive lying, habitual drinking, and procrastination, among others.

Let’s create long-lasting change!

address sleep difficulties

Hypnotherapy promotes deep relaxation and vivid visualization by accessing the calming and soothing power of the subconscious mind. This technique facilitates sound and restful sleep.

Let’s take back control of our sleep and wake up each day feeling renewed, refreshed, and re-energized!

*There may be other hypnotherapy service options to consider, see above.

improve performance

Enhance your performance in athletics, employment, academics, and interpersonal relationships by prioritizing focus and stress management through the powerful practice of hypnosis.

You are limitless!

Reset Sesh

Indulge yourself in this tranquil hypnotic ambiance, providing you with a sanctuary to unwind and escape the hustle-bustle of everyday life.

If you are considering hypnosis and have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me for guidance. There are countless hypnotherapy service options available. Explore this powerful tool with me, and I will support you every step of the way.